A term which applied to the editing and filtering process where decisions are made to let some information 'pass through' to the receiver (audience) and other information's remained barred.
News values:
- Galtung and Ruge theory- In 1965, they analysed international news stories to find out what kind of storied came top of the news' 'agenda'. Their findings helped them create a list of 'news values':
- Threshold: The bigger the impact and reach of the story.
- Unexpectedness: An event that is a shock or out of the ordinary.
- Negativity: Bad news is more interesting. If it bleeds, it leads.
- Elite personal/places: Stories about important people and powerful nations.
- Unambiguous: Straight forward and easy to write about.
- Personalisation: Stories that include human interest- 'real' people.
- Proximity: Stories that are closer to home are more likely to be included.
- Continuity/currency: Stories that are already in the news continue to run and are updated.